a car with a driver for half a day, full day in Pattaya
When making a reservation in the Booking Form, please describe your desired itinerary in the "Additional Information" field.
A taxi in Pattaya is the most convenient and fastest way to get to any point in the city. The driver will wait for you for the required duration of the time. You can visit all the main attractions near the city and in Pattaya - from the Sanctuary of Truth to the tropical garden of Madame Nong Nooch.
If you are staying in Pattaya, but want to explore the capital of Thailand - Bangkok, and visit several places in one day, there is no better solution than renting a car with a driver. Plan your route and go on an exciting journey through the metropolis.
The cost of taxi rental depends on the number of hours. Rental is available for a minimum of 3 hours. The table shows rental options for 3, 5, and 8 hours. It is also possible to rent for more number of hours, and each additional hour is extra paid.
If you are interested in a taxi from/to Bangkok airport (meeting at the airport with a sign), book here.
You can cancel your booking for free, not less than 24 hours before the beginning of the event.
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