Book a taxi from Pattaya to Hua hin directly on the website. We keep the lowest prices and monitor the quality of service. Traveling time from Pattaya - Hua Hin - 5 hours.
You can also book a return trip from Hua Hin to Pattaya, which costs 3500 baht and can accommodate up to 3 passengers. You can find other prices in the table below.
Our service is fast and convenient, and we offer you reasonable prices. We are ready to give you a ride 24/7. However, we сan confirm urgent orders from 04:00 a.m. till 00:00 local time (UTC+07:00).
Direction | 3 pax | 4 pax | 9 pax |
Pattaya ↔ Hua Hin | 3500 | 3950 | 4800 |
Hua Hin ↔ Pattaya | 3500 | 3950 | 4800 |
Pattaya ↔ Pier Koh Chang | 3300 | 3950 | 4500 |
Pattaya ↔ hotel in Koh Chang | 3950 | 4500 | 4950 |
Pattaya → Koh Samet (Ban Phe Pier) | 1200 | 1400 | 1800 |
Koh Samet (Ban Phe Pier) → Pattaya | 1200 | 1400 | 1800 |
Bangkok → Pier Koh Samet | 2500 | 2700 | 3100 |
Suvarnabh. Airport (BKK) ↔ Pier Koh Chang | 3500 | 4000 | 4500 |
Pattaya ↔ Phuket | 10500 | 14500 | 16500 |
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